Wednesday, 22 September 2010

What is a blog?

What is a blog?
A blog is an online journal in which people are able to submit diary entries. Subjects risen in blogs can include either a personal diary or hobbies and interests. Blogs often enable others to comment on each entry.

Who uses blogs?
Anyone who wishes to start a blog can do so. Those who become bloggers include people who just simply want to record their day to day lives, aswell as those who want to discuss a specific topic. Some bloggers make a living out of the blog entries that they post online. For example, Perez Hilton, a Hollywood superstar, has his blog read by millions. 

How do you embed an image into your blog?
To embed an image into your blog, you must begin by selecting your chosen image. If your chosen image is one from a website, you continue by copying the URL at the top of your page. Next, you must create your new blog post and click on the link labelled "Insert image." Here, your may enter your copied URL and allow it to appear in your blog. If you wish to embed a saved image, you must start by once again clicking the link labelled "Insert image." After this, you must browse for your chosen image, before finally embeding it to your blog.

How do you embed a youtube clip into your blog?
To embed a youtube clip into your blog, you must begin by selecting your chosen clip. Once you have chosen your clip, you must scroll to the bottom of it where you choose the link labelled "Embed." After choosing the link, you continue by copying the code given. When posting your video into your blog, you must also ensure that you have chosen to put it in the "Edit HTMl" link. Once pasted, you shall have your video embeded into your blog.

What is an RSS Feed and how do we use one?
Really Simple Syndication, commonly known as RSS, is a system used to collect frequently updated web feed formats through an aggregator. Examples of these include blog entries, news headlines, audio and video. 

What are the benefits of RSS and RSS readers?
RSS readers allow you to subscribe to different news feeds. The benefit of choosing which feeds you wish to subscribe to is that news is filtered through an aggregator to show exactly what you wish to see and read.  

In email, what is meant by CC and BCC?
In email, CC stands for Carbon Copy. A carbon copy is used to send the exact message to another address, but to inform the receiver that they are not the intended recipient of the message. BCC, which stands for Blind Carbon Copy, sends a copy of the message to a third party's address without the recipient of the message knowing.

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